National Center for Life and Liberty (NCLL)
Largo Florida
This nonprofit legal ministry will serve to protect and defend the Bible-based values upon which our nation was founded. NCLL will endeavor to protect and defend these important foundational areas that support our freedoms: Life Values, Constitutional Values, Church Liberty, Christian Education, and Home School Education.
Tri-State Baptist Children's Home
Bristol Tennessee
Jesus said, “Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for such is the kingdom of God.” James 1:27 says, “Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction and to keep himself unspotted from the world.”
Lucresio Booc Jr and family
Missionaries to the Bien Unido & Lapenig Island Philippines.
Virgilio & Miriam Domingo, with son: Jonathan
Missionary to the Philippines. Mavis and I have been supporting the Domingos for many years. I nick-named Virgilio "Billy Sunday" when I first heard him preach some 25 years ago. He is a great preacher and loves the Lord with all his heart. They are worthy of your prayers and support.
Youngbae & Jung Mi Kim and family
Recognizing the growing multicultural nature of the Washington, DC, metropolitan area, Kingstowne Baptist Korean Church (KBKC) was established by Kingstowne Baptist Church (KBC) in 2004, as a ministry to the local Korean community. Youngbae Kim has served as missionary-pastor since the mission's start. KBKC holds Korean-language services on Sundays and during the week in KBC's facilities.
Dale & Amy Morey with children: Luke and Autumn
Before Dale received Christ as his Saviour, he had lived a rough life, spending many of his years in and out of prison. Now that he and his wife have been born again, they are burdened to reach those still inside prison walls. They have started a ministry called Liberty Behind Bars, which in addition to distributing King James Bibles to men and women in jail, has in-person & video church services, chaplaincy and discipleship.
Matthew & Jane Welch and
Nathan & Teresa Reed, with son: Nate
Church planting, humanitarian relief, gospel tract distribution amongst Ukrainian refugees and Turkish gypsies in the countries of Bulgaria and Romania.
Eric & Lili Schrock, with children: Ruth, Joshua, and Ela
Church-planting missionaries to Romania. Also working with Ukrainian refugees who are fleeing to their town. Sent out by First Baptist Church of Ransom, West Virginia.