New Horizon Baptist is a Christ centered, independent, fundamental, Baptist Church.
We have three-fold priorities: The Holy Scriptures, Evangelism, and the Family.
We preach and teach the whole council of God's Word, believing THE HOLY BIBLE to be the supreme and final authority in ALL matters. We believe in the verbal inspiration (God breathed), purity and preservation of the Scriptures. God's Word is inerrant, infallible, and forever settled in Heaven. Therefore, we believe the KING JAMES BIBLE (AUTHORIZED VERSION) is the perfect, preserved, and inspired Word of God to the English-speaking people, and we use ONLY THE KING JAMES BIBLE in all our preaching, in all our teaching, in all our literature and in all our endeavors.
Jesus said in John 3:7, "Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again." The MINISTRY of New Horizon is to present the Gospel of Jesus Christ to every man, woman, boy, and girl we come into contact with, in our "Mission Field" here in Cayuga County, and in Central New York. We have a very active ministry passing out gospel in the local area. Likewise, we want to have a world-wide impact with the gospel by the missionaries we support, so that a lost and dying world might have the opportunity to know the free pardon of sin found only in and through Jesus Christ our Lord.
New Horizon is a friendly, family-oriented church. We believe the FAMILY is on the "front line" of attack from the principalities, the powers, from the rulers of the darkness of this world, from spiritual wickedness in high places; and, therefore, the family is worthy of our every effort for which to diligently pray and defend in every lawful aspect till the Lord calls us home.